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The Three Types of CyberNations Players

1. Militarians


The threat of war looms over every player not in, "Peace Mode". Militarians are the type of players who fully utilized the aspect of war in the game, gaining experience, money, technology, and even recognition. Their focus in mainly upon military improvements and wonders: Guerrilla Camps, Barracks, Forward Operating Bases, etc./Anti-Air Defense Network, the Manhattan Project, Central Intelligence Agency , etc. Due to the scenarios created by operating such improvents, constant warring can leave nations' economies rattled. Therefore, Militarians require constant income via foreign aid and Economists player type.

2. Economists


Obtaining funding and technology is the main focus of an Economist. The more that is owned, the more power is present. An Economists main goal is to make money, but they're not always by definition, greedy;Technology Dealing is just an investment into another country, there would be no reason to invest if no profit was made. A majority of anEconomists power comes from the work of Politicians, who provide access to other nations for deals to be made.  Economists focus on improvements such as the basic schools/universities, banks, and factories-anyway to gain funding. Wonders such as the Disaster Relief Agency, the Federal Aid Commission, the Stock Market, etc. 

3. Politicians


A Politician is the type of player who uses words, rather than actions, their main support comes from Militarian-like players. These are the real drivers of the political side of CyberNations, the players who remain vigilant among the treaty web, and how every small action forces a reaction; Politicians push themselves to have their opinions heard inside their alliances, others patiently await their time until the moment is right. In-game, Politicians don't have any benefitcial strategies in building their nation, they must adapt a Militarian or Economist approach. Politics are all based on human and situational interaction. 

Militarian Subtypes
Aggressors: There is no better way to show off power than on the battlefield, Aggressors use sheer strength to prove themselves whether "in the moment" or for a month long series of wars.
Defenders: These are the brick walls that intermix within alliances, the dense powerhouses of funding and military units. Aggressors meet their match with Defenders. During an extended battle, Defenders are sure to gain the upper-hand, improvements certainly influence this.
Compulsory: For those who seek to utilize the full aspect of war in CyberNations, Compulsory war-folk base their economy off of battle-always profiteering. 
Opportunist: Being patient comes with gain, especially when it comes to money, technology, and power. Whether it's during an open war or threats, an Opportunist seizes the moment for themself or their group.



Economist Subtypes



Spenders: Heavy investors who spend immense wealth to build up nation just to aquire finances and make more money.


Savers: Those who save money for times of need, and will share if needed.




Conservative: Players approaching the opportunity for financial gain in a typical sensed way. Dealers such as these run and plan for the long term.


Radical: In-the-spur-of-the-moment businessmen, the short-term approach, and the unique dealers who utilize other means than finances and technology. 

Politician Subtypes
Openers: Foreign relationships are established by Openers, those who seek to

The Entire Treaty Web of CyberNations can be found, here. Courtesy of Phoebus and ShadowDragon of LoSS.

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